Term Deposit Special Offer

National Seniors Members earn a rate of 2.10% p.a. interest on a 12-month term.


When you join National Seniors Australia, you will be part of a large community that represents your interests. But don't take our word for it, hear what our members have to say*.

Become a member

Dennis, NSW

I became a National Seniors member to make friends when I retired. Participating at branch level, I’ve made many friends locally and across the wider branch network.

Jan, NT

The social side of membership is quite important for most of the people I’ve met. National Seniors is a great way to bring people together.

Rodney, VIC

The Digital ID process was just so convenient. It made applying for a term deposit quick, easy and hassle free.

Desley, QLD

Advocacy is where I get value from my membership. Branch activities, discounts and other incentives are a bonus for me.

Gary, SA

I became a lifetime member over 20 years ago. I’m proud to be a part of an organisation that’s advocating strenuously against the mistreatment of older people and pension poverty on our behalf.

Jan, NT

I use my membership to access discounts. I’ve used the insurance for a once-in-a-lifetime trip, and everybody I’ve ever shared the magazine with absolutely loves it.

Phil, NSW

I love the travel benefits. It’s very affordable and the consultants understand what you want. You don’t end up on drinking trips through Europe unless you want to!

Hazel, QLD

My husband and I became members so we could do something together. Our local branch keeps us social, involved and active.

Merle, NSW

Love the magazine. It’s extremely helpful, informative and political – but it needs to be. It’s positive, open-minded and not afraid to challenge.

Gary, SA

As a member, I’m contributing to community education and raising awareness of the issues facing older people. There’s a lot of satisfaction in giving back.

Eileen, QLD

I’m a life member. I decided to join for the discounts but when I retired, I started attending local branch meetings where I’ve made great friends!

Darren, QLD

We saved $300 using our member discount at Freedom Furniture when shopping for a new lounge. A great example of how my membership has come in handy!

Want to share your experience with us? Fill out the form below!


In submitting your testimonial, you give consent to National Seniors to use testimonial material written for any of the following purposes:

  • to raise awareness about National Seniors Australia; 

  • to promote the activities and achievements of National Seniors Australia’s programs, products or services; 

  • to use in any printed or electronic format (this may include magazines, reports, brochures, websites or in newsletters); 

  • at public events or exhibitions organised by or on behalf of National Seniors Australia; or 

  • by other organisations, including media outlets, to promote National Seniors Australia’s programs and activities. 

Note: Any materials produced will remain the property of National Seniors Australia. You also understand that your permission is limited to the attached information and does not represent broad authorisation to publicise additional information about my experience with National Seniors. 

You agree that you are not entitled to any payment in relation to the use of the images or written material of my organisation by National Seniors Australia.  

You understand how your written material/ organisation’s image/logo/organisation name may be used by National Seniors Australia and authorise the collection and use of the images or written material as outlined above. You grant permission to National Seniors Australia to publish and publicise the testimonial about your experience as a client.

Testimonials are from real clients and representations are true and correct.

We've got your back

With National Seniors, you're voice is valued. Discover how we campaign for change on your behalf.

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