The main role of the Zone Chair is to advise the National Seniors Board of Directors and help strengthen National Seniors branches so we can continue to grow and support the needs of all older Australians.
We are a nationwide organisation committed to making a difference to the lives of all older Australians and future generations. The Constitution of National Seniors Australia provides for the formation of zones which are overseen by Zone Chairs. Details of our Zone Chairs can be found below. You can also read about our branches here.
Mr Warwick Hale
Zone 107 Chair - Sydney North
Stella Tegg
Zone 112 Chair - NSW Mid North Coast
Allan Wynne
Zone 104 Chair - North Queensland
Hazel Gillies
Zone 109 Chair - Rural Queensland
John Worrall
Zone 111 Chair - South East Queensland and North East Queensland
Graham Young
Zone 117 Chair - Sunshine Coast
Ed Staunton
Zone 110 Chair - South Australia
Bob Goodyear
Zone 121 Chair - North West Victoria
Lyn Cooper
Zone 114 Chair - Regional Western Australia