Trending Topics
Learn about and keep up to date with the latest topics and social issues that matter most to older Australians.

Experience Matters
Reinforcing the importance and benefits of experience, wisdom, and understanding that comes with age can help to bridge the gap between an intergenerational divide. (Coming soon.)

Elder Abuse
There are supports available if you or someone you know may be suffering from elder abuse.

Mature Age Employment
Resources and supports for mature age workers.

Social Connectedness
Being socially connected to family, friends, and the community is not only good for your health and wellbeing, but it also creates a sense of belonging.

Dementia Awareness
Information and support for people living with dementia
Our work is made possible through the support of generous Australians
We rely on people like you to become a member, donate or use our services so we can continue to tackle issues such as age discrimination, accessible housing, pension poverty, health costs, aged care and improve retirement income.
Profits raised from membership fees, services and products are directed back into our research, advocacy and education programs.
So you know you're contributing to giving older Australians a better future.

Our work is made possible through the support of generous Australians
National Seniors Australia is a not-for-profit organisation established in 1976. 
We rely on people like you to become a member, or use our services to help us advocate for better outcomes for people aged over 50. We tackle issues such as age discrimination, accessible housing, pension poverty, health costs, aged care and improving retirement income.
Members have exclusive access to discounts, a yearly subscription to Our Generation magazine, local community branches, access to our Financial Information Consultant for independent information, tools and resources and more.
For only $49.50, anyone can become a member and it only takes a few minutes to join.