Good hearing health can help overcome loneliness

Did you know that good hearing plays a vital role in staying socially connected and reducing feelings of loneliness? Discover how hearing health keeps us connected to the people and life we love.

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Hearing Australia has been providing expert hearing care to Australians for over 75 years, helping thousands of children, adults, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, pensioners, and veterans stay connected with their families and communities every week. Hearing Australia is now offering the M&RIE technology to new and existing clients across Australia.

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Good hearing plays a crucial role in keeping us connected to the people and activities that bring joy and fulfilment to our lives. 

For older Australians, maintaining hearing health can be especially important in reducing the risk of loneliness, social isolation, and associated health issues.  

Research has shown that a lack of social connection can carry risks as significant as smoking, excessive drinking, or obesity, and social isolation has been linked to anxiety and depression1

Around one in five older people in Australia are socially isolated. This rises to a third of older people living in residential aged care2.

Emma Scanlan, Hearing Australia principal audiologist, says it’s estimated up to 85% of residents living in Australian aged care facilities have a hearing loss. However, the number who have hearing aids is substantially less.

“Unfortunately, under-detection of hearing loss and underuse of hearing aids is prevalent in aged care homes, which can be a major barrier to optimal hearing and communication,” she says.

Emma says, “We’re working with aged care facilities across the country to support them in prioritising hearing health, which then delivers improvements in other key aspects of residents’ lives including social connections.”

During a recent visit to an aged care facility in New South Wales, Hearing Australia audiologist Emma Steinepreis, noticed one resident was struggling to hear. 

“The staff could only communicate with her by essentially yelling in her ears,” Emma recalls. “She hadn’t had new hearing aids since 2016. Unsurprisingly, her hearing test showed a significant change since then. 

“We discussed a range of solutions and found one that was right for her. The difference in her hearing at the fitting appointment was amazing. The client, the staff, and I were able to have a lovely conversation about her favourite television shows.

“Last month she celebrated her 87th birthday and her family were able to have a proper chat with her for the first time in a long time.

“She can now better engage in group conversations too. It’s been wonderful to see the difference the new hearing aids have made in her life.

If you or a loved one are experiencing difficulty hearing, there are several steps you can take to protect and improve hearing health:

Get a hearing check: This is a quick and easy way to identify any potential hearing issues early.  

Consider hearing aids: Modern hearing aids are highly effective, customisable, and more discreet than ever. They can be tailored to fit different levels of hearing loss and lifestyle needs, helping to restore quality of life by making conversations and social interactions easier and more enjoyable. 

Encourage social engagement: Prioritising social activities and maintaining regular contact with family and friends is important for mental well-being. Regular social engagement can be more enjoyable and fulfilling when hearing issues are addressed. 

Don’t wait. Speak to one of our hearing professionals today or pop by an event near you for a free* 15-minute hearing check and rediscover the sounds you love.  

* Only 15-minute hearing checks are free. Other services may attract charges/fees or may be subsidised for those eligible under the Australian Government Hearing Services Program, to which conditions apply. 


  1. WHO launches commission to foster social connection 
  2. Social Isolation | ARIIA

Supplied by

Hearing Australia

Hearing Australia

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