Research snapshot: keeping active
Motivation and companionship are among the keys to physical activity in later life.

Most of us know we need to get up off our backsides and move around more.
But lots of things can get in the way of healthy exercise habits, especially in later life.
In 2020, National Seniors research asked 4,000 older Australians how often they exercise, whether they did it alone or with others, if they’d like to do more, and what barriers stopped them.
Previous research had shown at least two-thirds of people aged 65 and over did not do the recommended amount of exercise. Our research showed around the same proportion wanted to do more.
But health problems were major blocks for many seniors. Notably, the pain caused by exercise was a barrier for 26% of respondents and various health conditions a problem for more than 27%.
A lack of motivation was even more of a problem, with 32% identifying it as a barrier.
Other big barriers included mobility problems (21%), feeling too tired (18%), and having no one to exercise with (20%).
National Seniors co-published the report with the Confederation of Australian Sport, which owns the Australian Masters Games.
We were the Healthy Ageing Partner of the Games in 2019 and 2021, marking a joint commitment to helping older people enjoy a healthy, socially connected later life.
To find out more, read the full report Just doing it!? Older Australians’ Physical Activity at