Shining a light on cancer research
Daffodil Day brings people across Australia together with a common fundraising aim.

Australians are being encouraged to “get active” and plan an event for Daffodil Day, a major fundraiser for the Cancer Council which will be held on 22 August.
Last year, Daffodil Day raised $2.5 million towards lifesaving cancer research, and hopes are high for another good year.
Events are being held across Australia, and people are invited to host their own fundraiser.
Money raised will go towards the Cancer Council’s work, which includes:
The 13 11 20 information and support line. Each year, Cancer Council nurses respond to more than 40,000 people seeking emotional or practical advice. They can refer callers to a range of services provided by the Cancer Council and other organisations.
Education programs such as SunSmart, Quit, and LiveLighter that empower people to lead healthier lifestyles to help reduce their cancer risk.
Encouraging Australians to stay up to date with their cancer screening, so they can catch cancer early.
According to the Cancer Council, investment by their organisation and others in research has helped increase five-year cancer survival rates to 69%.
A spokesperson said, “We know that almost one in two people will be diagnosed with cancer by the age of 85, so it takes all of us to give hope for better treatments and better outcomes.
“The more hope we give, the more lives we can save.”
Event venues include railway stations, tram stops, shopping centres, and public places such as King George Square in Brisbane and the Rialto Building in Melbourne.
For the first time this year, Daffodil Day eCards are on sale to help add to the research coffers.
Details about Daffodil Day are available here.