Simple ways to prevent and manage diabetes
Up to 58% of type 2 diabetes cases can be prevented or delayed, just by making lifestyle changes.
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If you’re one of the two million Australians with pre-diabetes, or you’ve been told you’re at risk of developing type 2 diabetes, we have some good news for you. Statistics show that up to 58% of cases can be prevented or delayed – just by making lifestyle changes.
Better yet, these changes will go a long way to improve your overall health and wellbeing. Here, two experts – a diabetes educator and a health coach – share their easy-to-action tips.
Key Points
Exercise is key to managing our blood glucose levels, but also it can help improve sleep, which is an underrated area of type 2 diabetes prevention and management.
“Plate portioning” helps create a strong foundation for healthy eating: a meal should consist of one-quarter lean protein, one-quarter high-fibre carbohydrates, and half vegetables.
Specialist backup and support – including from your GP, Diabetes Australia, a credentialled diabetes educator, an accredited dietitian, or an exercise physiologist – can help you stay on top of your health goals.
Just over 1.3 million (or one in 20) Australians are living with diabetes, which Carolien Koreneff, credentialled diabetes educator at Diabetes Australia, describes as “a chronic condition that affects the metabolism of carbohydrate foods in particular”.
She adds, “Carbohydrate foods get broken down to glucose. Glucose is our main energy source, but if it can’t be utilised properly then diabetes will develop.”
There are three main types of diabetes. Type 1 is an autoimmune condition that is not preventable.
“In some people, the body's immune system starts attacking the pancreas,” explains Carolien. “Once the pancreas is destroyed, a person is no longer able to produce insulin, which affects glucose metabolism. And so, people with type 1 diabetes rely on insulin injections or insulin infusions.”
Type 2 diabetes, however, can often be prevented or managed through lifestyle changes. “Type 2 diabetes is more an issue of insulin resistance. The body still produces insulin, but the insulin doesn't work properly.”
The third main type is gestational diabetes (GDM), which occurs during pregnancy.
“Usually, it means that glucose levels are slightly above target. Those targets are very different from targets we have in type 1 and type 2 diabetes because the foetus is very sensitive to glucose.”
Alongside medication, treatment for GDM focuses on lifestyle changes.
The symptoms of diabetes, according to Carolien, include the four Ts: tired, thirsty, thinner, and toilet. She says that rising glucose levels result in the need to use the toilet more – and, because of this, people end up thirsty and tired.
For those with undiagnosed type 1 diabetes, the condition can also lead to sudden unexplained weight loss.
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When it comes to preventing type 2 diabetes, there are some risk factors you won’t be able to change. Age is one factor, says Carolien, with your risk continuing to increase after 40.
Another is ethnicity and cultural background. People of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander, Pacific Island, Indian subcontinent, or Asian descent are more likely to develop type 2 diabetes.
Having a family history of the condition, previously having gestational diabetes, or living with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) are other non-modifiable risk factors.
So, what can we manage? “The risk factors we can influence include high blood pressure, high cholesterol, smoking, inactivity, unhealthy eating habits, and excess weight, particularly around the waist.”
In terms of ways to prevent and manage type 2 diabetes, it’s no surprise that exercise is high on the list – especially when you consider its positive impact on most of the condition’s controllable risk factors.
The Australian Government recommends adults do at least 2.5 hours of moderate intensity physical activity a week or, if you’re over 65, 30 minutes on most days.
It can feel daunting to be told you need to change your eating habits to prevent or manage diabetes. “People think this means we're going to take all their favourite foods away, but you can still have food that you love,” reassures Phillippa.
To start with, she recommends creating a healthy foundation with “plate portioning”. This means ensuring lunch and dinner always consist of one-quarter lean protein, one-quarter high-fibre carbohydrates and half vegetables.
“This is a good balance of the food that helps us feel energised and fuller for longer.
“This really helps with insulin sensitivity, and you’ll find two hours later there’s a reduction in blood glucose levels. That’s a way people can still include the foods they love that might affect their blood glucose levels but still satisfy their health goals.”
Want backup to make sure you stick to your new health goals? Set up your own diabetes support team: your GP, Diabetes Australia – whose membership provides access to diabetes-specific information from health professionals like Carolien – and an accredited practising dietitian, like Phillippa, accessed via Australian Unity’s HealthierMe or one you personally source who is endorsed by Dietitians Australia.
Credentialled diabetes educators (CDEs) can also provide valuable support. This team of professionals can help create a healthy eating plan you’ll actually stick to.
And finally, remember you don’t have to overhaul your life all at once. As Phillippa says, “Just focus on one thing. One small step will add up over time.”
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