Darling Downs’ dynamic duo
An NSA branch recently celebrated the contributions of a married couple who were its mainstays for many years.

Celebrating 50 Years, 50 Lives
In the lead-up to National Seniors Australia’s 50th anniversary in 2026, Connect is sharing the stories of 50 people who have made contributions to the organisation over those years.
For 14 years until August 2024, Hazel Gillies was president of Garden City, one of two very active National Seniors branches in Toowoomba on Queensland’s Darling Downs.
When she stepped down from that role, it was cause for some sadness, but also a reason to throw Hazel and her husband Ken a party.
Branch secretary Lawrence Lindenmayer said the event was marked with a presentation of watches to the couple, and flowers for Hazel, in appreciation of a job well done.
“I think she really made the branch,” Lawrence told Connect. “She was very approachable and very good at her work.”
While Hazel was the president and active in every part of the branch, which meets at St John’s Lutheran Hall in suburban Wilsonton, Ken was always the quiet achiever in the background.
“They say behind every good man there’s a good woman. With Ken and Hazel, it’s the other way round,” Lawrence said.
“He ran the Seniors Expo here for quite a few years.”
The Expo became such a success, going from 30 to 120 stalls, that it’s outgrown the NSA branch’s capacity. Lawrence hopes the council and other involved organisations will take it on.
Lawrence credits Hazel with organising and always attending the regular bus trips that are much loved by Garden City branch members.
One recent memorable trip was to Montville on the Sunshine Coast hinterland.
Lawrence also recalls Hazel’s knack for booking great guest speakers and providing support for various charities they represent – from a local hospice to the Flying Doctor Service, and the Cancer Council.
And while she is no longer president, Hazel will continue to be a welcome presence at branch meetings and other activities.
“She hasn’t been well at all lately and just had to give up [the branch presidency],” Lawrence said. “But she’ll still be coming on our monthly trips.”
NSA has 71 branches across Australia. To find out more visit: https://nationalseniors.com.au/get-involved/branches.