Campaign draws attention to ageism
Awareness Day plays a role in highlighting and tackling a global scourge.

Advocacy win for National Seniors
National Seniors Australia has undertaken extensive research and advocacy work into ageism.
This includes a February 2022 survey of Australians aged over 50, which included questions about their interest in re-entering paid work after retirement and motivations for this, and the barriers retirees face when seeking to re-enter the paid workforce.
The research found that ageism, pension rules, and lack of appropriate opportunities are among the significant barriers facing older Australians wanting post-retirement work.
While there remains much more to be done, National Seniors recently scored a win for our Let Pensioners Work campaign, with the federal government announcing a permanent increase in the Work Bonus.
Due to our advocacy, the Work Bonus was increased from $7,800 to $11,800 last year so older people could work more without losing 50 cents in the dollar from their pension. This was a temporary measure until the end of 2023, but this change will now be permanent from 1 January 2024.
Australia’s third Ageism Awareness Day, on 7 October, will draw attention to a problem that remains rife around the world.
Founded by the advocacy group EveryAGE Counts, it is a reminder that ageism is still widespread within the community, and that we can all play our part in tackling it.
Ageism has a direct adverse impact on the lives of many Australians in such areas as aged care, provision of health services and employment. It is also plays a significant role in the occurrence of elder abuse.
EveryAGE Counts Campaign spokesman Robert Tickner said, “Our most recent national survey revealed some startling statistics about the incidence and impacts of ageism.
“Ageism is stereotyping, discrimination and mistreatment of people solely on the basis of age. Ageism has devastating impacts on physical and mental health, longevity, employment prospects and participation opportunities.
“The brutal reality is that separate research from the Australian Human Rights Commission and the Australian Human Resources Institute also shows that ageism is blocking older people from the workforce and that one in six organisations will not consider hiring people over 65 years of age.
“This is one issue where we can all agree on the need for an ongoing public education program to end ageism so we can all age well.”
An EveryAGE Counts survey of more than 1,000 people over the age of 50 in 2022 revealed that:
68% of all over-50s agree “ageism against older people is a serious problem in Australia”. It was 73% for respondents aged 60-69.
74% of all over-50s believe Australia is “not doing enough to raise awareness of ageism and fight against it”.
58% of over-50s want “a government campaign to raise awareness about ageism and its effects”.
People in their 60s are the most likely older Australians to have experienced ageism in the past year.
36% of over-50s agree with the statement that, “people have assumed I cannot understand or learn new technology”. It was 50% for those aged 90 and over.
21% of over-50s say, “People have insisted on doing things for me that I am capable of doing on my own.” It was 35% for over-90s.
28% of 50-59-year-olds say, “My applications for jobs have been rejected because of my age.”
25% of those in their 50s and 60s say, “I have been made to feel like I am too old for my work.”
8% of 50-59-year-olds say, “I have been denied health services or treatment because of my age”, but that figure leaps to 20% among those 90+.
28% of over-50s say, “I have been ignored or made to feel invisible.”
11% say, “Doctors and healthcare workers talk past me to my companion or carer.” That figure is 27% among those aged over 90.
“Since the survey last year, the EveryAGE Counts organisation believes that, while there are some signs of improvement there is still a huge public education and awareness program needed to combat ageism in our Australian communities,” Mr Tickner said.
The EveryAGE Counts campaign also has the backing of an increasing number of Local Government Councils around Australia which are doing important work tackling ageism in their communities and who are determined to make their local council areas age friendly cities and towns.
“We believe Australia can be a global leader in tackling ageism. We look forward to working with all governments around Australia to address these issues with a community-based campaign.”
Details: EveryAGE Counts