Help make residential parks great places to live
The Queensland Government is seeking feedback from owners of manufactured homes.

Survey findings
A 2022 Queensland Government survey of manufactured-home owners found:
The majority of survey respondents bought a manufactured home for the lifestyle, sense of community and reduced maintenance.
43% of respondents were very concerned that living in a residential park could become unaffordable in the future.
90% were over 65.
25% identified as having an ongoing disability.
Laws protecting home owners in residential parks are under review in Queensland – and you can have your say.
A public consultation has opened following concerns from manufactured-home owners about site rent increases and unsold homes in their parks.
Manufactured-home owners rent the land their homes are located on from a residential park owner.
The Queensland Government is seeking feedback to proposed changes to the Manufactured Homes (Residential Parks) Act 2003.
The Act protects manufactured-home owners from unfair business practices and helps them to make decisions.
Proposed changes to the Act aim to strengthen protections for home owners while supporting residential parks to be sustainable into the future.
Last year, the state government invited feedback to better understand the experience of people living in a residential park.
Following analysis of the responses, the government developed a Consultation Regulatory Impact Statement (C-RIS) to consider ways to address the problems.
The C-RIS proposes changes to the law and analyses the potential impact.
Proposed changes include:
Simplifying the process of buying a pre-owned manufactured home and entering into a site agreement.
Requirements for parks to develop publicly available information documents to allow comparisons between parks.
Removing market rent reviews.
Requirements for park owners to develop and implement plans for maintenance and capital replacement.
In some circumstances, buybacks and site rent reductions for unsold manufactured homes.
Would you like to provide feedback? You can provide your views on the consultation through the feedback form here or you can call 13 QGOV (13 74 68) for assistance.
Written submissions can be emailed to or sent in the post to GPO Box 806, Brisbane, QLD 4001.
The consultation closes on 26 June 2023.
The Queensland Government will review the feedback on the C-RIS to help develop recommendations to reform the Act, if needed.
Keep up to date on this law reform here.