Media Release: 15 ways local councils can improve communities for older Australians
National Seniors Australia has today launched a new research report into improvements local councils can make for older Australians.

National Seniors Australia has today launched a new research report into improvements local councils can make for older Australians.
Entitled Changing Local Communities to Improve Quality of Life: Older Australians’ Wishlists, the report details 15 community-themed “wishes” shared by older Australians such as more public transport, more local medical services, more accessible activities, more active community communication, and more affordable housing.
Older Australians also want less ageism, less crime and better planned development.
Notably, the fifteenth item on the wish list is better and more transparent government with less political corruption, and greater consultation with older residents in council decisions.
The report is based on responses to National Seniors Australia’s 2022 Social Survey which asked Australians aged 50 and older what needs to change in their community to improve their quality of life.
While around a fifth of respondents said they were satisfied with their community, 61% made suggestions for change.
National Seniors Australia Senior Research Officer Dr Lindy Orthia said, “We received written suggestions from nearly 1500 people which indicates how important local communities are to older Australians.”
“Through our analysis we were able to distil 15 common themes or wishes shared by many older Australians.”
While some of the suggestions were widely shared among respondents, National Seniors Australia acknowledges every local government area is different and needs will vary.
“Our report is a guide not a blueprint, so we’re calling on councils to use it as the foundation for consulting with older residents on what they want and need,” Dr Orthia said.
“The survey showed some local councils are doing a fantastic job of supporting older people, but most areas will have some room for improvement, and these are the 15 issues that may need attention.”
The report can be downloaded from the National Seniors Australia website here.
Dr Orthia can be contacted for comment on 0488 047 380