15-Point Checklist for Providers and Consumers of Residential Aged Care

In October 2021 National Seniors Australia surveyed 598 older Australians about their communication needs related to residential aged care. The 598 had already completed a larger survey about aged care and had expressed interest in participating in follow-up studies. As such, they were a highly engaged group of people who self-selected to participate in this study.
We asked them: What type of guidance, assistance and information do you think should be easily available for people when they need residential age care?
Collectively, respondents also listed over 100 traits of residential aged care facilities that they would like information about when considering a facility. This is practical information that consumers need from aged care providers during what is often a difficult life transition to residential aged care. It is information they want upfront, to inform their decisions, not after accepting a place in a care facility.
We have grouped those listed traits into a 15-point checklist that aged care providers can use to build a template when preparing information about specific facilities. Care seekers can also use it to help ensure a facility will meet their needs.
Each of the 15 points contains many items within it, in a comprehensive summary of what aged care consumers want. Providers are urged to engage with every item to fully meet consumers’ needs and to continue refining their information template in response to evolving consumer need.